Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Hey Everybody! I've been getting some great feedback from all of you - it is really encouraging and I thank you for taking two minutes out of your day to read up on my little blog.

Well, it's that time - time to Taper: "to become gradually more slender toward one end." As I draw closer to race day, my training has begun to taper off. Instead of increasing my mileage every other week, I will actually decrease my long runs. I will continue to train during the week, staying around 4 miles per day and my long run this weekend will only be 6 miles. This will give my body time to rest & gain strength for the 26.2 mile adventure.

For those of you who have decided to take up running, keep it up! Don't get discouraged because not every run is going to be a good run. You just keep going and run again another day.

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Christian T Heckathorn