Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Taking Time Off

After allowing my body to recover a little, I put on an old pair of running shoes (cause I lost one during the race) and tried to go for a run on Sunday. At first, it was like trying to lug around two huge tree trunks. My legs felt heavy, I was breathing really hard, my ipod was broken - so it was just me, God and my broken body. I only ran about two miles and decided to call it a day. I felt like I had never run before in my life.

A couple days later I tried again. This time, I took Kacie for a walk in the jogger down through the harbor. I mostly walked, with a bit of jogging here and there. I still didn't have my new shoes yet so I was out there with no support under my ridiculously flat feet, and they were beginning to get sore. By the time I made it home, I was limping again. I need to take more time off.

My new shoes came yesterday YEAH! I can't wait to take them for a run - or a walk rather. My legs feel sore all the time. I think because I'm not running. Now I know what everyone feels like when they talk about having to take time off from injury. It pretty much sucks.

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Christian T Heckathorn