Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday's 17 Mile Run

My Run on Sunday started out good. It was early and cool - 6:30am 65 degrees - I ran down through Doheny Beach first and then out San Juan Creek Trail. I was just past the 10 mile mark, when suddenly my aductors (top inside of my quads) were hit with a shooting pain I inadvertently incurred the day before while riding our bikes down to the Harbor for the Tall Ships Festival.

I kept going - praying and asking God for help to get through the second half of my run. I slowed down a little bit, struggling through it. As I came up on the 17 mile mark, I just couldn't endure any more of the stabbing pain which had distributed itself through my knees and ankles. I was so bummed, I cried.

I could hardly walk but my car was about a mile away. Just then, Brad & Kacie showed up in the dune buggy, honking the "Aaa-ooo-ga" horn. It was serendipidous to say the least.

The good news is, that this is the second long run I've done without the energy drinks and as a result, my post run recovery has been much easier. I was tired of course, but I didn't have the bad side effects of nausea (there's other bad things, but I won't gross you out)

This coming weekend of the 13th will be my VERY FIRST RACE EVER!! Camp Pendleton's Heartbreak Ridge Half Marathon. WOO-Hoo!! Wish me luck!


Malawi 2008 said...

you go girl, that sounds painful. But it sounds like you're doing it for a great cause.


Kevin said...

Katie, There is a special place in heaven for people doing what you are doing. Good luck this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill.
Muhammad Ali
Your will to help and contribute to a worthy cause is very inspiring. I wish you the best of luck on Saturday. I will pray for exceptional conditions to assit in your endevour.

Christian T Heckathorn